HomeInsuranceGHAMRO appoints a five member interim directors after board dissolution by court

GHAMRO appoints a five member interim directors after board dissolution by court

Following a court order to dissolve its current board, the management of the Ghana Music Rights Organization(GHAMRO) has formed a 5-member team to take over its activities.

The administration of GHAMRO disobeyed an interim injunction placed on the election, which was held on March 15, 2022, according to the Accra High Court’s judgement on Tuesday, July 19, 2022.

In response to this, management said several irate members sued the organization over the Board’s mission and the election process during a news conference today.

Consequently, the administration of GHAMRO was fined 2000 Ghana Cedis (GHC2,000.00).

Following a year of case follow-up, the court decided in the organization’s favor in February of this year, clearing the way for the Board elections on March 15, 2022.

The management claimed that they did not receive a formal notification of the court order prohibiting the elections and learned of the proceedings only one day prior to the elections.


The Chief Executive Officer of GHAMRO, Abraham Adjatey, announced the selection of a team to run the organization’s activities until they return to court on August 11th, 2022, as a result of the court’s decision to dissolve the Board.

“As a law-abiding institution, we are required to abide by the law. As a result, I have notified the board immediately and am telling you that the board has been disbanded,” he stated.

“Management has taken over the management of the society in conjunction with the corporate governance process. It also implies that the organization will be controlled by the temporary directors, whose supervision the election was conducted under, until we go to court on August 11th, 2022,” he added.

Augustina Addison, Abraham Kofi Boakye, Diana Hopeson, Ahmed Banda, and Rex Omar make up the team. They are the same individuals who assumed control of the organization before the elections, when the irate members initially sued GHAMRO.

Rex Omar, one of the Interim Directors, told the audience at the press conference that GHAMROi is zealously carrying out its responsibility to license music consumers, collect the required and distribute the same.








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